CFO Coaching Services

Whether you're a new CFO, new to the industry, or need additional guidance, our CFO coaches are experts, ready to help.

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What Is a CFO Coach?

A CFO coach is an experienced, proven CFO who spends a part of their time coaching finance professionals. CFO coaching clients are typically CFOs, but not always. Senior level finance professionals preparing for broader responsibilities may call upon the help of a CFO coach to guide them through unfamiliar challenges and prepare for higher level roles.

A CFO coach works directly with you to identify strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and develop action plans. CFO coaches help professionals improve leadership skills, hone strategic insight, manage complex financial situations, and build relationships with stakeholders. Companies that want a CFO to help run a project may instead engage a Fractional CFO.

Do I Need a CFO Coach?

If you are a finance professional looking for additional guidance in your role from a technical or leadership perspective, a CFO coach can be a valued advocate for your success.

New CFOs

Stepping in to the role of the CFO for the first time is always a large step in one's career. Your role prior to taking over the CFO seat was likely one of several of the CFO's direct reports. You are now responsible for workstreams in which you may have little to no experience. A CFO coach can help you approach these added responsibilities confidently, making your transition into the role a smooth one.

New to the Industry CFOs

While there are many common threads in the office of the CFO across industries, there are similarly many differences. A CFO coach with experience in an industry that you may be unfamiliar with can accelerate your learning curve and give you the tools needed to hit the ground running.

Incoming CFOs

As you prepare to take on the role of the CFO, being preparing ahead of time will expedite the transition process and allow finance operation to continue seamlessly. While the CFO seat requires many technical skills, leadership skills are just as if not more important in many situations as the lead finance person in the organization. A CFO coach can help you establish yourself as a leader through communication and interpersonal skills, decision-making capabilities, and more.

Experienced CFOs

As your company expands operations and charts new territory, a CFO coach can guide you through an unfamiliar M&A strategy, restructuring, new product line, or any other new and complex situation. A CFO coach can also help you focus on skills that you may have never honed that are suddenly more pressing to possess.

Benefits of a CFO coach

Benefits of a CFO Coach

A CFO Coach provides a tremendous amount of support and insight for minimal cost. The capacity at which you engage a CFO coach is flexible to your company's needs.

We are group of CFOs working with clients throughout the United States. For over 20 years we have supported thousands of companies with every component of their finance organization. We will match you with a coach that is best suited for your company size, industry, culture, and more.

Technical Capabilities

A CFO coach will first work with you to assess any knowledge gaps you have in the office of the CFO. From there, the CFO coach will guide you on CFO best practices and trends. The CFO coach will establish a training and development roadmap that will close any gaps in your technical capabilities and sharpen your expertise in areas that you may already be comfortable.

Leadership Skills

Our CFO coaches start by helping you foster the self-insight needed to address your strengths and weaknesses. There are multiple successful leadership styles, but the similarities far outnumber the differences. Your CFO coach will work with you to make these positive leadership traits a natural response in your day-to-day. The end result is confidence in confronting challenges with your team and supporting an environment of collaboration.

Complex Financial Challenges

If you are navigating a complex challenge, your attention will need to be divided among many critical areas. You will balancing a work effort between legal and regulatory compliance, managing relationships with stakeholders, and supporting the ongoing operations of your finance organization. A CFO coach will be experienced in managing some of the complex projects that can create unfamiliar challenges to yourself and your finance team. Whether that challenge is a restructuring, a merger or acquisition, or a fundraising need, having an experienced CFO coach beside you can make the difference between success and more difficulties.

Strategic Thinking

The role of the CFO continues to evolve from one primarily focused on financial management and reporting to a more strategic one, participating with CEO in determining the direction of the company. A CFO coach is familiar with these trends and the toolbelt that a CFO needs to possess to bring value to the table when exploring new opportunities for the company. A CFO coach can help you interpret the key drivers in your business and how they align with the opportunities and risks you identify in the market. This will help you develop a skillset for making informed decisions and communicating your vision to stakeholders.

Frequently Asked Questions

What qualifications and skills do CFO coaches have?

A CFO coach should be matched with the professional based on their company's size, industry, ownership, and complexity. It will be most valuable for a CFO coaching client to have a CFO coach that has experience working within a similar company environment. This way the CFO coach will be capable of advising on issues relevant to the CFO as well as the leadership components needed for the role.

How long does CFO coaching last?

CFO coaching engagements typically last at least several months, but it is not uncommon for coaching relationships to last a year or more depending on the needs of the business and the professional. If, for example, the company continues to chart unexplored territory, a CFO coach can be a long-term valuable asset that will save the incumbent CFO a lot of time and resources.

How will a CFO coach work with me?

A CFO coach can work with you virtually through one-on-one video calls, or they can work with you in-person. They will first listen to what your needs are for a coach and assess where you are and where you want to be. A CFO coach can be completely consultative, only working with you through one-on-one sessions, or they can work with you side-by-side through a challenging situation.

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